Who Am I?
Who is Andrew Lauck?
An author and theatre enthusiast with a deep passion for storytelling, particularly in the horror genre. I’ve written several novels, including the Broken World trilogy and Stranded.
Where is Andrew Lauck from?
I live in Texas with my daughter and girlfriend, but I’m originally from Massachusetts.
What inspired Andrew Lauck to start writing?
My inspiration to write comes from my love of film and theatre, as well as my desire to explore complex human emotions through character-driven stories. If there were one definitive inspiration in my life, it would be from sixth grade, when my teacher let me read my first story to the class.
What is Andrew Lauck’s favorite genre to write?
I love writing in the horror genre, where I can dig into the darker aspects of humanity and create suspenseful, emotionally charged narratives. However, I always enjoy challenging myself with new genres and learning from their respective traits.
What are some of Andrew Lauck’s hobbies outside of writing and acting?
When I’m not working or spending time with my family, I enjoy karaoke, hiking, watching films, playing videogames, and binging Gordon Ramsey shows.
How does Andrew Lauck balance writing and family life?
It’s definitely a hard balance to find at times, especially in the period as a single dad when it consisted of mostly avoiding sleep, but it’s doable. Writing takes commitment, and consistent commitment at that, so it’s always helpful when your family is as supportive as mine is.
What are Andrew Lauck’s favorite books and movies?
My favorite novel is The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas, and my favorite film is Jaws. However, I also love The Night Angel trilogy by Brent Weeks, World War Z by Max Brooks, and Tom Clancy’s Jack Ryan series. As for films, the list is long, but I definitely love anything by Christopher Nolan.
Why does Andrew Lauck write horror?
I’m drawn to horror because it allows me to explore fear, the human condition, and the dark side of human nature in a way that resonates deeply with readers. I don’t look at horror as something scary, but rather the message that even the scariest thing, be it a monster or a man, can be fought. We may lose, but there are ways to fight back or overcome the fear.
What does Andrew Lauck find most challenging about writing?
My biggest challenge has always been writing emotions, especially in dialogue. I got a lot better once I started reading romance novels, for obvious reasons, but it’s also developed as I’ve gotten older and had more experiences to pull from. Outside of that, it would have to be connecting the dots from beginning to end, because I always know the ending from the start. I just have to figure out how to get there.
The Writing Process
How does Andrew Lauck come up with ideas for his novels?
I draw inspiration from various sources, including films, personal experiences, and “what if” scenarios that challenge conventional thinking. The entire concept of Stranded came from sitting at a red light and zoning out on the LED.
What is Andrew Lauck’s writing process like?
I typically start with a broad outline but allow the story to evolve organically as I write, often discovering new plot twists and character developments along the way. I’d say my process isn’t the most conventional, but it’s worked pretty well so far. My outline is as detailed as the story necessitates, though I like to keep things vague and let the characters tell me what will happen.
How long does it take Andrew Lauck to write a novel?
This is a complicated answer, but the short version is that it varies. My first novel took seven years to complete, from planning to publishing, but I was in college and working for most of that time. Shattered Paradise took two years, but then Fractured Memories was done and ready in four months. The only reason Stranded took five years is because of personal events that took place in that time. I definitely don’t plan for books to take nearly that long moving forward, because I’ve got the greatest muses and I feel like things are stable for the long-term.
Does Andrew Lauck write every day?
In some way, yes, but I’ll never be one of those that says to write x number of pages a day. While I do push consistency and commitment, I also feel burn-out and dry spells. Sometimes, you might feel a wave of inspiration, and should absolutely chase that inertia with every fiber of your being. Other times, you’ll feel exhausted and you won’t do yourself, or your characters, any favors. Personally, I try not to write when I’m hungry, because I tend to be less forgiving with my characters.
What tools or software does Andrew Lauck use for writing?
I’ve always used Microsoft Word. I know softwares keep changing and coming out, and some might be more functional, but I don’t like change and Word works for me.
Does Andrew Lauck outline his books before writing them?
Yes, I usually create an outline to guide the story, but I remain flexible and allow the narrative to shift as needed during the writing process.
What advice does Andrew Lauck have for aspiring writers?
This answer will probably meander, but it comes down to passion and commitment. As I was told, “Don’t write anything you don’t love, because you might hate it by the end.” Identify your writing goals (Whether it’s a story you need to share, publishing under the big ones, or money) and don’t expect anything to happen fast. Prepare for rejection and scathing reviews, because it’s inevitable. Be consistent and focused when you’re writing. Write what you want to see on the shelf, but also understand your target audience and read the room. Read often, write often, and don’t be afraid to write garbage. That’s what editing is for. Figure out what makes you feel creative and run with it (For me, that’s music).
How does Andrew Lauck handle writer’s block?
I hate writer’s block. When it strikes, I’ll take a break, eat, listen to music, watch a movie, or do something else creative. With that said, sometimes you really just can’t break through it until you’re ready, so don’t take it out on yourself when it’s been a week and you’re still stuck.
What themes does Andrew Lauck explore in his writing?
I often explore themes of humanity, survival, family, and the impact of fear on the human psyche in his works. Those driving forces are common in some form or combination in all my writing so far.
Does Andrew Lauck prefer writing series or standalone novels?
I love the stories that come together over the course of a series, especially when they’re intricate and characters meet. However, I also enjoyed writing Stranded and knowing there was no next story for these characters. It made the stakes higher without actually being higher, if that makes sense.
The Broken World Series and Other Works
What is the Broken World trilogy about?
The Broken World trilogy is a post-apocalyptic series that explores themes of humanity, family, and survival in a world devastated by disaster.
Is the Broken World trilogy suitable for all ages?
The first book in the trilogy is definitely the most tame, but the sequels are intended for a mature audience, for sure. Not only does the violence escalate, but the themes are much darker as the full scale of humanity’s decline is realized.
Will there be more books in the Broken World series?
Here’s what I’ll say: Currently, the trilogy stands as a complete story, but I’m open to revisiting that world if inspiration strikes.
What inspired the novel Stranded?
Stranded was inspired by Andrew’s interest in exploring the loss of humanity and the consequences of government conspiracies gone wrong. Also, being stuck at a red light after reading an article about Mars.
Are any of Andrew Lauck’s books being adapted into films or TV shows?
Not yet, but I’m definitely open to making this happen someday.
Where can I buy Andrew Lauck’s books?
My books are available on major platforms such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble. With any luck, I’ll find a way soon to do them directly through the website and have them signed for people.
Does Andrew Lauck plan to write in other genres?
Definitely. While horror is my happy place, I love exploring other genres and have every intention of branching out to keep challenging myself.
Can I get a signed copy of Andrew Lauck’s books?
Yes. You can find me at book signings and other events, and I’m working on finding a way to mail signed copies through this website.
Acting and Theatre
How has Andrew Lauck’s theatre background influenced his writing?
My experience in theatre has honed my skills in dialogue, character development, and understanding the emotional beats of a story, all of which play a crucial role in writing.
Does Andrew Lauck still participate in theatre or acting?
Absolutely. I love acting and always will. While family, writing, and work take up most of my time, I love acting in local theatre productions and working on films. I’ve been in a few minor film productions and a handful of stage plays so far, with no intention of stopping.